Beyond Logo, There's YOU

We don’t brand businesses, we transform individuals into powerful brands

About Us

With 5 years of experience, we have helped over 1,000s of our clients elevate their leadership with the power of Personal Brand. At BrandIn Mastery, We empower Corporate Companies, Leaders and Founders to unlock their full potential with our personalized Personal Branding Program integrating AI Tools.

Our Services

Here how to work with us

Employee Advocacy Program

Launch Personal Branding as an Employer Branding Strategy in 90 Days.

Personal Brand for Corporate Leaders

Become a though-leader and build credibility in your industry in 60-Days Personalized Program

Personal Brand for Founders

Become the face of your brand in 60-Days Personalized Program

LinkedIn Marketing Training

Integrating AI Tools into LinkedIn Marketing and Lead Generations in 2-Days Training

1-Hour Online Power Session

Personalized power session to create a tailored plan to elevate your presence.
Click to Book.

Online Self-Learning Program

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Personal Brand with AI Prompts in 60 Minutes.
Click to Join.


Published Book

From Individual to Brand

Free e-Book

AI for LinkedIn Profile Optimization


Educational Content


Interview with Leaders

Client Testimonials

Since I started actively sharing on LinkedIn, I have more active connections coming in and I feel more welcomed. My manager and colleagues encourages me to share on LinkedIn as well constantly, and this helped us promote our work culture and the team insights to others. I widely post about my daily work and team activities, increasing the company's brand awareness. I engage on company pages and posts, which elevates my personal brand visibilities.
Rakesh, Manager
I did not realize the value and uniqueness of my story. I needed to establish myself as an expert & leader in my industry. She shared real examples from her testing and learning, which is a great way to share proven methods. I've learned copywriting strategies, content ideas & have gained the confidence to get started. I am thankful for this journey as it opened my eyes.
Maria, Manager
Shalini gave me the confidence and courage to come out from my comfort zone. I am committed and consistent to show up. I have locked my first client within a month on LinkedIn. I increased my followers' count 10x times as well. I am stepping up my social media game now. I will strongly recommend her to anyone who wants to expand the business and build a personal brand.
Daarshini, Founder

Be the Face of Authority

Disrupt the industry. Start with yourself.

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